Thursday, December 15, 2011

Manila: How the mighty are fallen!

(Calle Escolta during American Occupation of Manila)

"The Pearl of the Orient", "Queen City of the Pacific", "The Paris of the East" - these are just some of the titles given by the world to Manila before it became the second most destroyed city of the World War II. Manila that was once the most beautiful, healthiest, and safest city in the Far East is now just a shadow of her old glory.

(Binondo Area)

Through the Royal Ordinance by King Philip II of the Monarchy of Spain, Manila has became the new capital of political, military and religious power of the East Indies colony of the Spaniards. With this victory, the Islamic Kingdom of Maynila were eventually converted to Christianity, and a new fortified city known as Intramuros was built to house the seat of government of Spain. Missionaries arrived eventually which was followed by the establishment of schools and churches spreading throughout the city and beyond.

(Sto. Domingo Church and Santo Tomas Plaza, Intramuros)

(Pasig River, Magellan Monument, Aduana Building, Santo Domingo Church, Jan. 15, 1925)

During 15th to 18th century, Manila was the center of trade in the Orient. From Asia to the Americas and Europe travelling across the Pacific, the Caribbean and the Atlantic, the Manila Galleon have truly made its reputation in maritime trade. The route made by the Manila-Acapulco trade was not only the longest in its time but also the first global trade route in history.

(Manila Galleon used in Manila-Acapulco Trade)

(Downtown Manila has resemblance with European cities)

(Fort Santiago, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines, Early 20th Century)

Early 1900s, the U.S. troops took control over the city following the defeat of Spain. And from being another magnificent european-inspired city, Manila was changed to a grand metropolis of the modern American Age. During this time, American government commissioned Daniel Burnham to create the master plan for the city. With monumental buildings like of Washington DC, boulevards like Paris and canals like Venice, Manila was a masterpiece of the early 20th century.

(Finance, Legislative and City Hall building, Luneta)

Burnham plan for Manila was never completed. War came unexpectedly. Just ten hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Manila suffered from aerial bombardment. Knowing that they could not afford losing the city, the American declared Manila as an Open City to spare the city from death and destruction. Despite this, the Japanese Imperial Forces continue to bombard Manila. The Battle of Manila has been the most brutal, sorrowful and the most difficult period of our history.

(Philippine Legislative Building after World War 2)

(Buildings and Bridges burnt)

After the war, the city of Manila underwent The Golden Age. It was revitalized and became once again the Pearl of the Orient. As the home of the first and finest (during its time) international airline in Asia, Manila became THE place in the region to come for shopping, entertainment, leisure, business and even to obtain higher education. But after several decades of its re-establishment, these characters of Manila are gone with the wind.

The city that is full of promise before became the city of what we know today. Congested, unorganized, polluted. These might not be the proper descriptions for all districts of the city but that's how I see most of it. Discipline of the people I believe is what's lacking for Manila. You see, people are throwing their garbages everywhere, men are urinating everywhere, they're spitting everywhere, and there's more! there are lots of robbers, snatchers and crooks in most places. Even those who are in public office steals what's should be for the development of the city and its people. The traffic are depressing. Buildings are sprouting everywhere. Public facilities and domains are poorly maintained. And where we are now? Manila was left far behind by its neighbouring cities in the South East Asia. It is just sad to see Manila in this state, knowing her glorious past, it would've made her truly the Queen City of the Pacific.

*** I am a Filipino. I have nothing againts the city of Manila or its people. I just want to share my thoughts and I do not intend to cause harm to anybody with my post. ***

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