Saturday morning, I woke up 10am and fixed myself to buy food outside for my breakfast meal. I saw that It was raining hard so I looked for my umbrella and got outside. Our unit is on the 2nd floor and from there, upon closing the main door, I saw the walk way in flood, the water is just at least 1 foot high so I decided to still go to the store. When I reached the gate, hala!, parang ilog na 'yung daan! I have to cross the street to get to the store so kelangan ko talagang salubungin 'yung rumaragasang tubig baha! I still decided to go and buy food as I'm already starving that time. It was fun crossing the raging flood. Really. Haha, It was like every step you're taking, you have to pause for a moment to steady your balance before you take your next step. And don't forget to watch your slippers! Hehe. Kidding aside, from my experience, you'll know that I really don't realized how serious the situation that time is. Electricity is out, no worries for that. Our only problem that time is our laundries. An insult for those people who have lost everything.
The extent of devastation in the capital and the neighbouring cities and provinces have seen clearer on Sunday as the sun shone briefly - destroyed houses, overturned vans and cars, and streets and highways covered in debris and mud. That's the only time I've realized that this storm has really gone bad. ABS-CBN's special coverage for Ondoy is a great evidence of how serious the situation is. Watching this coverage made me realized how fortunate I am and my family that we never experienced such deluge and lost.
Photo Credit: ABS-CBN News Online (

At the midst of the tragedy, it is really heart-warming to see people working willingly for relief and rescues and risking their lives to save those in need. Foundations and huge companies extending their donations and letting their resources be used for rescue operations for those cities and provinces that is affected by Ondoy. In such time, I proved that the Filipino nation is still united...that we are one in this battle...beacuse we are family. I admire those people whose heart is unselfish. Indeed, for God is so gracious that He never let this storm rest in the country for several days. Let's keep on praying for the healing and comfort of those people who have lost their love ones, their homes and livelihood. God Bless our nation.
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